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File pictures

Sunday, February 28, 2010

HP done it again

Allen's job is on the chopping block? they laid off more people Tue's. Allen had just been told his contract was extended to Dec. 31st. He had just recently been pulled over ta team to solve some problems for the Oregon project. The state of Oregon had given HP a month to solve some problems or they wouldn't renew the contract.
He was told later Tue. ,he only has 30 days left on the contract. HP lost the contract w/ Oregon state.If they don't find another project to put him on in 30 days,we can be in trouble. After that they put him on the bench for 30 days,if we even get that now?!!If he loses his job,I'm SOL. I totally dependent on Allen's insurance for my 0-2 & med's.
this timewe have no safety net. We no longer own a hous or have any savings. We are carrying huge credit debt from th last l/off over 6 yrs ago.
PRAYERS NEEDED!!! Will keep posted here as we know more. Got to go to bed,too tired,& it's raining out & I'm in pain.

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