File pictures

File pictures

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A full nite of sleep in 2 mo's!!

I slept thru the nite the1st time in 2 mo's. Cloud cover came in Fri. pm & cooled us off. 1st a/noon I could rest in my recliner. Yea a day!!! I didn't have to rest in front of my bdrm a/c unit in the a/noon. @ least 1 day's reprieve from the heat. I even got to work in my craft rm. for a short while cutting up my colored images to make into cards. ME colored images will be usedfor my church's mail route. Hopefull I can get my cards off to Iraq soon.

1 comment:

bess said...

Glad you got some relief from the heat!

our puppy vistor

our puppy vistor