When I was going thru photo books looking for some v/tion pic's from our trip to Canada I realized just how many pic's we had. There is almost a full book of Niagara Falls pic's. I can't find a/thing for that theme either!! That doesn't include the British fort pic's we went to.There is a lot of Hill Cumorah pic's ,LDS Church historical sites & w/falls in N.Y. YIKES!!! Too much overload!!!Sent the posse to Jan & said help!!! I'm not scrapping all these pic's. That doesn't include the ones to Zion & Grand Canyon
Orginally I was going to do them all & split them up among the kids. Jan thought she would have them scanned in & CD's burned of the pic's & each kid gets a copy. WHEW off the HOOK!! I started these pgs on Feb 14th when Allen went to Utah for Katya's baptism. I just got back to them 3 weeks ago. I told her I still have 75 pgs of my mission s/bk in a box I haven't gotten back to in a year. I need to put journal tags & titles etc. on them. Forest is supposed to get this when I die.It includes 50 pgs of my journal edited & rewritten. I need to get back to it.
I'M SO RELIEVED THIS IS DONE !!! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BEEN a C-mas present!!! I had too many projects on the burner.
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