File pictures

File pictures

Friday, March 6, 2009

83 F,breaking records @86

It's too hot too soon here. We have a mulberry tree in bloom that isdrives everbody crazy. Last nite in the L.rm. it was 82 F. It's either we opened the door to let fresh air in@ sneeze our heads off. Or we have the option of burning up. I have had to turn the fan on in our bdrm the last 2 nites to have some air to breathe. We're due soon to get our wind storms in.
We're hoping to get out @ try to put in a cantalope, @ tomatoes on time this year along a strip to keep the dust down.
I have been busy s/bk. I got close to 50 pgs started w/photo's on them. Hoping to get all the photo's out of the album before the June heat hits @ I can't work in my room.

our puppy vistor

our puppy vistor