I just got a call from Hovercraft that Atena has approved a chair for me. They will pay 90% for me. I owe $420 for my share. I didn't think they would pay for this. The chair is $3500!! WOW a chair I can use in the house!!! It has a 23 in. wheel base, my doors are 26 in. It's known for turning tight circles. My old scooter is 25 years old & I can't drive it in the house.The tires are wearing out on my w/c.
This is cheaper than getting an used power chair.
This will make life so much easier for me w/ my heart & joint pain etc.

File pictures

Saturday, April 9, 2011
ABC scrapbook,1973-75
After 3 years of starting on this I now am finishing up vol 1 of it to give to my son in May.I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter=-Day Saints from 1073-75. I served voluntary w/o pay for 18 mo's. I qut my job as a nurse's aid, left college, told my friends & boyfriend good bye etc, We pay our own way.
O will post a few pic's on this entry & come back later to post more.
The first are reedited journal entries of me leaving Texas to get ready to go to SLC.,Utah. There is a pic of me in the yard in Burton,Tx before a final meeting w/ church leaders in Houston, Tx. My friends from UT @ Austin met us there.I then said goodbye to them. Most of them I never saw again
Entries of me entering the Mission Training Mission . I spent a very intense week of study there. I also attended the historic SLC temple while there.
I then departed for Vancouver, Canada.I met Pres. Weston Killpack our mission pres. I picked up my 1st companion. Sis. K had escaped from communist Poland & came to Canada
We pay our own way,give up TV,our friends,no dating,school jobs, to go teach people about the LDS church.
My 1st piece of art
Allen hung up my Vintage button collage this week. I made it from buttons from my G-mom's Hovey button collection I have had for years. I got the idea from Paper Scissors multi media mag
i have had the buttons for years in my sewing chest. They were still mounted on the original cards.They have illustrations from the 50's on them. I also found 1 last tag w/ my g-mom's name on it.Also 2 crotchet circles in a corner.
Jan made the sculpt clay dress form for me. I painted it w/ mixture of native acrylic paints. I then sealed it w. Modge Podge, I used Corenation c/s stock on it. I distressed it w/ sand paper to get the color I wanted to match & contract the pieces it was by. I found some vintage dress forms that I cut out. I put Distress old paper on it to age it. I used vintage photo around the edges. I took some of the newer buttons on the canvas,
I put some buttons around theedge of the corner canvas from my button collection I never would use
Monday, April 4, 2011
I'm got out my mission s/book that I started 3 years ago. I actually worked on some of the journal tags this w/end. I have had it on my shelf for a while. I need to get this finished so I can give Forest Vol 1 of it. then I have over 100 pic's left to s/book left. I believed I have 34 pages s/bk so far.
I also have journal entries I edited & copied for him to read. This is about my mission I served in 1973-1975 in Alaska British Columbia Mission for the The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints
I also have started sewing on my Life story apron which the idea came from Paper, & Scissors multimedia mag. Allen went into Joann's for me to look thru the bolts of fabric for me. He helped me find 2 pieces of fabric for the top. 1 is is a black shadows on a rust covered b/ground of ranch activities.I took a montage of horse's heads & machine appliqued it
The long bottom is a piece of M.Engrebreit's fabric w/ sayings on it. I plan to make pockets on it for different roles I did in life,ex, mom,g/mom etc. I have saved some things from my kids & g-kids to put in the pockets. working on ideas when I was single. I found some rope like stuff to sew for the neck tie for the top."It'a boy" ribbon will be 1 of it's ties. 2nd tie unknown @ this time.
When done it will hang up in the liv. room
I also have journal entries I edited & copied for him to read. This is about my mission I served in 1973-1975 in Alaska British Columbia Mission for the The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints
I also have started sewing on my Life story apron which the idea came from Paper, & Scissors multimedia mag. Allen went into Joann's for me to look thru the bolts of fabric for me. He helped me find 2 pieces of fabric for the top. 1 is is a black shadows on a rust covered b/ground of ranch activities.I took a montage of horse's heads & machine appliqued it
The long bottom is a piece of M.Engrebreit's fabric w/ sayings on it. I plan to make pockets on it for different roles I did in life,ex, mom,g/mom etc. I have saved some things from my kids & g-kids to put in the pockets. working on ideas when I was single. I found some rope like stuff to sew for the neck tie for the top."It'a boy" ribbon will be 1 of it's ties. 2nd tie unknown @ this time.
When done it will hang up in the liv. room
Vintage Button collage
Jan made my dressmaker form from Sculpty clay for me.I have it painted & Modge Podge on my canvas.
I found the idea in the Paper,Scissors multimedia mag. a while back. I have had a cigar box of buttons from my G/mom Hovey sewing stash for a few years.I have buttons left on the paper backs from the 1950's This artist sells her works w/ these vintage buttons. I got the idea to do this. I also found eye & hooks & a made by label in the stash also.
I painted the canvas 1st w/ a light b/scotch color. I also found a vintage pic of dressmaker forms. I cut out the side view. I put Old Paper ink from T. Holtz on it to age it. I also put vintage photo ink on the edges of the pic.
Allen hung it up in the liv. rm this am for me. Now we can enjoy those vintage 50's button cards. It's fitting for this house since it was built in 1950's
I'll take a photo of it later.
I found the idea in the Paper,Scissors multimedia mag. a while back. I have had a cigar box of buttons from my G/mom Hovey sewing stash for a few years.I have buttons left on the paper backs from the 1950's This artist sells her works w/ these vintage buttons. I got the idea to do this. I also found eye & hooks & a made by label in the stash also.
I painted the canvas 1st w/ a light b/scotch color. I also found a vintage pic of dressmaker forms. I cut out the side view. I put Old Paper ink from T. Holtz on it to age it. I also put vintage photo ink on the edges of the pic.
Allen hung it up in the liv. rm this am for me. Now we can enjoy those vintage 50's button cards. It's fitting for this house since it was built in 1950's
I'll take a photo of it later.
Miss my fairies
J& L bathe Fluffy Sun am when I was still sleeping & Allen was @ church. L always used to bath Lucky for us in R.H.Tx.They also washed up a sink load of dishes for Allen. I can't do those chores anymore. Allen wears a lot of hats here
Watched DVD pf Phantom of the Opera on DVD I have heard the music but not the whole story line. I loved how they brought in old vintage pic's in w/ the story line
All 3 of them played a long card game which I don't like. Laura won, after being behind. I dozed off in my recliner listening to their sounds @ the card table
I finally got my scratch board art Laura has promised me forever!!Does she do a good job on faces. Never do s/board, 1 wrong mark U ruined UR piece.
Watched DVD pf Phantom of the Opera on DVD I have heard the music but not the whole story line. I loved how they brought in old vintage pic's in w/ the story line
All 3 of them played a long card game which I don't like. Laura won, after being behind. I dozed off in my recliner listening to their sounds @ the card table
I finally got my scratch board art Laura has promised me forever!!Does she do a good job on faces. Never do s/board, 1 wrong mark U ruined UR piece.
Early heat makes feel yucky!!
This AM is proof a cooler day I can get things done in the kitchen. After a week Allen got fresh made buttermilk pancakes w/ turkey bacon for brft.I had made a b/milk pie for the girls for a treat for them to have. I don't usually cook non GF foods but these were a treat for Allen to have. I also made tapoica pudding w/ coconut milk for supper. Fresh s/berries will go w/ it.
I finally got the counter cleaned off w/ spice bottles refilled. Also melted some wax in a container to reuse to store my buttons in
The early heat makes me tired & I sleep a lot or just lay in the recliner. The dust storms kick up my asthma. I can't wear my sleep mask @ nites w/ a s/storm.
I finally got the counter cleaned off w/ spice bottles refilled. Also melted some wax in a container to reuse to store my buttons in
The early heat makes me tired & I sleep a lot or just lay in the recliner. The dust storms kick up my asthma. I can't wear my sleep mask @ nites w/ a s/storm.
Problems w/ my template
Jan looked @ my blog. We can't really find out why I have that annoying block show up She thought maybe a host is carrying a photo anymore. All I know it popped up 1 day after uploaded some pic's from my files.F,My son doesn't do blogs,he can't help
Until later I chose a darker b/ground & a template @ Jan's idea.
GRRRR! I DON'T LIKE THIS!!! I'm a card maker not a geek!!!
Until later I chose a darker b/ground & a template @ Jan's idea.
GRRRR! I DON'T LIKE THIS!!! I'm a card maker not a geek!!!
mystery block on blog,
new background,
new template
My girls came!!
They came & are gone!!Only 3 days. Fri. we hanged out @ the house.Worked on some projects in the room. Jan made my sculpty clay small dressmaker form for me for the button collage I wanted to make.Had fresh tamales & empanada's for supper. Watched "Little Rascal's @ nite.
Mesilla,N.M. Sat @ noon left.This is a historical SW adobe historical town square. My 3 rd time there. I luv the ambiance.The bldgs have twig & stick roofs U can see. They are pretty thick walls.I had to show Laura & Jan this piece of SW history. Billy the Kid was tried in the courthouse, which is a store now.Douglas MacArthur been here. Pancho Villa probably threaten the local cit zens. He was know to go back & forth to El Paso & Mexico.
Jan took us out to dinner @ La Posta,an ancient Mexican restaurant that goes back to the 1930's. It was a bldg that goes back to the stage couch days. It had a big cage of birds in it. I saw a Toucan up close for the 1st time. can those birds screech loud!! Some tanks of flesh eating fish. I always thought they were small. These were pretty big fish from California.
My favo. place is the bookstore that is family owned. They have 4 dogs that greet U @ the door. They carry a lot of books on the west. I have looked @ books on Navajo sign talkers from WWII. w/ their pic's & a brief story .I have seen pic's of early El Paso before cars .I read book on early Jewish Settlers from Germany. They were the 1st bankers , merchants & cattleman in N.M. I loved seeing the early pic's of them dressed up. I would hate to iron those detailed bodices much less try to sew them. also pic's of silver pieces & other items brought w/ them from Germany that they used.
Digging in a stash of books in another small room, I found the book "Seven Crosses" a real story of an escape from a German Concentration camp.I wanted this book for my Holocaust to be saved for my g/kids to read some day, I usually don't pay $17 for a p/back book. This book is probably not @ Barnes & Noble.It's kinda creepy, but this really happened. We need to remember this really happened to people.
I have bought Jap. Kimono's paper dolls for Jan for C-mas from Dover. I also got Emma a horse story & K a Hobbit book. I bought a nice sticker book for the kids for C-mas also there.
I wish I had more money to buy more books. This is 1 b/store I love spending time there. The owners are so nice & knowledgeable about their books.I wish I could hang out their more.
I luv the drive out there. We go by several horse farms @ the 1st of the drive. I wish I could ride h/back again. Just to feel the wind blowing on UR face as U run w/ the horse. We go under a big arch of pecan trees bending over the road before we get to the Pecan farm. coming home The sun was setting in the sky w/ it's orange shades coming thru the sky.I luv my open spaces, room to breathe etc. I never liked be crowed in tight quarter's in Bpt.,Conn
We saw a big buffalo in a lot right before we crossed the river into Texas.
Mesilla,N.M. Sat @ noon left.This is a historical SW adobe historical town square. My 3 rd time there. I luv the ambiance.The bldgs have twig & stick roofs U can see. They are pretty thick walls.I had to show Laura & Jan this piece of SW history. Billy the Kid was tried in the courthouse, which is a store now.Douglas MacArthur been here. Pancho Villa probably threaten the local cit zens. He was know to go back & forth to El Paso & Mexico.
Jan took us out to dinner @ La Posta,an ancient Mexican restaurant that goes back to the 1930's. It was a bldg that goes back to the stage couch days. It had a big cage of birds in it. I saw a Toucan up close for the 1st time. can those birds screech loud!! Some tanks of flesh eating fish. I always thought they were small. These were pretty big fish from California.
My favo. place is the bookstore that is family owned. They have 4 dogs that greet U @ the door. They carry a lot of books on the west. I have looked @ books on Navajo sign talkers from WWII. w/ their pic's & a brief story .I have seen pic's of early El Paso before cars .I read book on early Jewish Settlers from Germany. They were the 1st bankers , merchants & cattleman in N.M. I loved seeing the early pic's of them dressed up. I would hate to iron those detailed bodices much less try to sew them. also pic's of silver pieces & other items brought w/ them from Germany that they used.
Digging in a stash of books in another small room, I found the book "Seven Crosses" a real story of an escape from a German Concentration camp.I wanted this book for my Holocaust to be saved for my g/kids to read some day, I usually don't pay $17 for a p/back book. This book is probably not @ Barnes & Noble.It's kinda creepy, but this really happened. We need to remember this really happened to people.
I have bought Jap. Kimono's paper dolls for Jan for C-mas from Dover. I also got Emma a horse story & K a Hobbit book. I bought a nice sticker book for the kids for C-mas also there.
I wish I had more money to buy more books. This is 1 b/store I love spending time there. The owners are so nice & knowledgeable about their books.I wish I could hang out their more.
I luv the drive out there. We go by several horse farms @ the 1st of the drive. I wish I could ride h/back again. Just to feel the wind blowing on UR face as U run w/ the horse. We go under a big arch of pecan trees bending over the road before we get to the Pecan farm. coming home The sun was setting in the sky w/ it's orange shades coming thru the sky.I luv my open spaces, room to breathe etc. I never liked be crowed in tight quarter's in Bpt.,Conn
We saw a big buffalo in a lot right before we crossed the river into Texas.
Still alive
We have had the warmest March since 1887. Broke a record Sat. of 92 F. New record of no rain this year. No poppies on the mtn. this year,no rain ,no poppies .Miss the brilliant orange on the desert mtns. The only spring flowers we get in the desert.
Looks like we're in for VERY HOT summer & a drought. Little s/pack in Colorado & upper N.M. Means little irrigation water for the pecans & cotton in N.M. close to us. Hatch chillies will cost more
The early heat is making me feel yucky!! It's making my heart & asthma kick up. The sand storms have plenty of sand to blow around. It puts me down in my recliner, sleep a lot & no energy. difficult to sleep w/ my sleep mask @ nite. I lost last week,3 appts & tired from girls visit. Didn't work in my room last week.
Heat coming too early for me.
Looks like we're in for VERY HOT summer & a drought. Little s/pack in Colorado & upper N.M. Means little irrigation water for the pecans & cotton in N.M. close to us. Hatch chillies will cost more
The early heat is making me feel yucky!! It's making my heart & asthma kick up. The sand storms have plenty of sand to blow around. It puts me down in my recliner, sleep a lot & no energy. difficult to sleep w/ my sleep mask @ nite. I lost last week,3 appts & tired from girls visit. Didn't work in my room last week.
Heat coming too early for me.
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