I burned my self out yesterday trying to play catch up in my room. I worked on Mom G book. I added some beach pic's tucked away in an accordian file folder of the g/kids@the beach. I used the last 3 pages as a tribute to Mom G. I put a pic of Allen in his s/suit,with a tag saying"to think it all started with Allen". Next page a tribute to her as a mother,w/o her there would be no Grabert legacy.
I finished 2 of my cards for my mail route(I belong to the L.D.S.Church. Relief Society is our women's group. I have a mail route where I send out messages and cards to 5 women each month. This gives me a perceptive where I can serve others within the 4 walls of my house)
I filed some more stuff away on my floor. Yea I found my Oriental tags that I searched e/where for in an empty box in my basket.
I finally baked my shrinkable plastic s/flakes that I had cut out earlier.
I should had stopped there but I didn't. I fiinished up 2 of my snow collages I have made. I need to get them in the mail. I made 3 more s/flake cards for a card project.
I fell asleep in my recliner from 7pm till 8:30 pm when Allen called. O ops,I didn't have supper cooked. I pushed myself out of the recliner to put the water to cook the spag, cook the gr. turkey in the m/wave.

File pictures

Saturday, January 10, 2009
I placed an order from Amazon w/Mom g's C-mas money on Dec. 25th or 26th. I finally got the snapcoat fron National. All the items came in separate packets strewn since then. Even a tiny stampset came by itself.
I can't find flannel n/gowns here in El Paso. This has snaps on it. It's easier to get on in the winter. Heidi sewed me a denim h/coat w/snaps last year.
I got some new clear stamps and Cat's eye pads to try out.I found some Oriental stamps to use for Heidi's and Swats cards.(My Thai friend)
I can't find flannel n/gowns here in El Paso. This has snaps on it. It's easier to get on in the winter. Heidi sewed me a denim h/coat w/snaps last year.
I got some new clear stamps and Cat's eye pads to try out.I found some Oriental stamps to use for Heidi's and Swats cards.(My Thai friend)
I got Mom G brag book in the mail today. It's late. The computor died for 2 weeks,I had to go thru Heidi's pic' from my favorite site on Flickr, order them,wait for them to come in the mail.
I had the c/board cover ready. I used c/board letters found earlier on the cover. The book was small enough to quickly do. I did have to crop most of the pic's. I used stickers and a few tags to decorate the book. This was quicker than the calenadar I did for her last year. It took 3 afternoons worth of work to go out today
I had the c/board cover ready. I used c/board letters found earlier on the cover. The book was small enough to quickly do. I did have to crop most of the pic's. I used stickers and a few tags to decorate the book. This was quicker than the calenadar I did for her last year. It took 3 afternoons worth of work to go out today
Gadgets. widgets
Oh I love all these e-toys. I love to push all tese buttons to see what they will do.To think when I did my 1st post,it was The Plain Vanilla blog. I wasn't going to put a/thing on it except blogging. Allen right, he said" I'm getting dangerous".
The black kitty is the only one I can have. I'm allergic to cats now. Heidi still has Tigger @ 18 yrs old.a 2 generation cat. I can't tell you how many cats my kids talked me into in Utah.
PUPPIES,PUPPIES,DOGS I would have more than 2 if Allen let me. All of ours have been rescued in 1 way or another. I'm dog gone crazy. I don't know what I would do w/out them. They keep me company.The best alarm system(thou it does go off too much @times.)
Nat'l Geo is my favorite mag. I comb the used library book store for past issues. I loved the photo's as a kid. Now I'm an armchair traveler and read about places I can't go to.
I posted the Flickr badge so people can see my pic's of my cards. I can't pose pic's here on this blog.
The black kitty is the only one I can have. I'm allergic to cats now. Heidi still has Tigger @ 18 yrs old.a 2 generation cat. I can't tell you how many cats my kids talked me into in Utah.
PUPPIES,PUPPIES,DOGS I would have more than 2 if Allen let me. All of ours have been rescued in 1 way or another. I'm dog gone crazy. I don't know what I would do w/out them. They keep me company.The best alarm system(thou it does go off too much @times.)
Nat'l Geo is my favorite mag. I comb the used library book store for past issues. I loved the photo's as a kid. Now I'm an armchair traveler and read about places I can't go to.
I posted the Flickr badge so people can see my pic's of my cards. I can't pose pic's here on this blog.
Dinner out
My special Thai friend took several of us out for dinner. We go to the Hong Kong buffet,which has a big selection of various Oriental food. I always get fish, shrimp,crab legs and no green packets in the steamer. I had fresh p-apple,papaya,cantope and I cookie for dessert. I later found out today was her b-day. Allen didn't tell me until last night. I had to sleep in late to have energy to get a shower.
The Tuckers gave Allen a fresh loaf of bread for us. To think I used to makeevery loaf of bread we ate when younger.
The people hear are real friendly,it makes up for the burning heat in the summer
The Tuckers gave Allen a fresh loaf of bread for us. To think I used to makeevery loaf of bread we ate when younger.
The people hear are real friendly,it makes up for the burning heat in the summer
Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Music!!
I can't get rid of this listings. Others have the same problem. Just click on a selection, my list show up as Pandora d/loads. I'm new at this. My son told me about this.I will give it a try.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
3 cards done, project goals
I got 3 of my cards written today. I worked on coloring in my snowman I stamped the other night. I cut out s/flakes to use as templates for shrink plastic. I colored c/stock Allen copied of Jan's card. I used paper tape as a hinge to make a tri fold. It's now on the bookcase in the L.Rm.
I did read a conf. talk today before working on my table
Projects to do
1 Put together a card packet after making more s/man cards
2Katya's present
look for the rocks
find out her favorite color
alter the cigar box
3 stuff on the floor,put away
4 clean off the table w/projects,have room to get my s/book up on the table to come up w/plans
I did read a conf. talk today before working on my table
Projects to do
1 Put together a card packet after making more s/man cards
2Katya's present
look for the rocks
find out her favorite color
alter the cigar box
3 stuff on the floor,put away
4 clean off the table w/projects,have room to get my s/book up on the table to come up w/plans
New Year's goals
1. I already have gone thru and selected which blogs I want to read. I had to eliminate some of them. I need to be aware how much time I'm on the computor
2I need to do the day's task 1st instead of turning on the computor. I quickly forget how quickly time goes by.
3 Then I don't have any time and energy to work on my projects in my room.
4 Pace myself by how I feel. Energy is an unknown amount for me
PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY is what I need to remember.
5.Read my scriptures, Ensign articles 1st before checking e-mail!!!!
6. Read a book on my table. Have been reading s/book mag's friends have given me
7. I may have to put a timer on me when I say I'm going to check my e-mail, I'm still on 2 hrs. later
2I need to do the day's task 1st instead of turning on the computor. I quickly forget how quickly time goes by.
3 Then I don't have any time and energy to work on my projects in my room.
4 Pace myself by how I feel. Energy is an unknown amount for me
PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY is what I need to remember.
5.Read my scriptures, Ensign articles 1st before checking e-mail!!!!
6. Read a book on my table. Have been reading s/book mag's friends have given me
7. I may have to put a timer on me when I say I'm going to check my e-mail, I'm still on 2 hrs. later
"Believe" C-mas motto
I really got C-mas this year. This has been the roughest year health wise for me. I put up a M.E. pic. I collaged on the frig for me to see. T-giving I was down flat so I wondered what would happen to C-mas. I cut back on making c-mas cards so I would have time to s/book allen's pic.
I picked up a virus in the heart doc's office that set me back. We had 2 major storms come in w/ wind blasts 60 mph gusts. We were lucky, south of us power was out for 6 hrs. People lost their roofs etc in our area. 3 times I have proved it on my b.p. machine,my b/p goes SKY high. After the front comes thru,it drops down. The nurse had me go to bed and rest this last time. These storms really flare up my FM. So Allens book didn't get as many pages as I wanted to do
I did get 6 more done for him for N.Y's Day. 2 more I glued in the photo's since I didn't know any info about the pic's. He's a programmer,he's not very verbal. He did finally admit they were interesting. What took time was I had to go to Tim Holtz's site and learn how to distress. I also had to experiment w/the walnut ink,learn to use Vintage paers to make it look masucline.
Allen really SURPRISED me for C-mas. He went and got me a tin of 24 w/color pencils from Prism. They are suppose to match my c/pencils. Today I used them for the 1st time to color On Jan's C-mas card I turned into a tri-fold. They are so soft and easy to color. I also used my c/pencils. You can't tell the area where the 2 are, looked really great. I also got a box of s/free cho.cherries(which I later found out he was eating up. Hmm for a person who saids he doesn't like candy he sure chowed down on the choc. this year? Plus he said s/thing was to come in the mail .
Allen doesn't usually do things like this. I having been doing C-mas for 30 years so e/body got presents in our extended family Plus I made it out for Furr C-mas dinner. So we had a good day.
Forest and Jenny sent their present early(my mother's day,b-day gift also.)We got a Tupperware box to keep our ciltano fresh. I hate it when it goes slimy and Allen makes me pick out the good . She added some snowman clear stamps,s/man brads etc for me to use. I did use the s/man stamps the other night for my Jan. snowman cards for my mail route.(I don't know if any one does what I did. I'm new to clear stamps. I'm having to learn how to use them. I went to put the 3rd stamp away and realized 1 was missing. I looked e/where for it. I actually found it today. In the trash can! I had already had pulled the top trash off and gotten a plastic bag to put in. Guess what it was wrapped up in a baby wipe I had cleaned it with. When I get tired I don't keep track of stuff well.)
Jan and Heidi went in on the new collection of Little Rascals by Hal Roach for Allen. It goes back to 1929. We have been watching them some nights. I haven't seen these before. Jan gave 2 DVD of Without a Trace w/the pilot one to me. We have watched 1 of them. This gives us s/thing to watch on Sat. nite when TV is yucky. We watched 3 Shriek for C-mas Eve. I love the donkey. Maybe I like slap stick humor.
I used Allen's mother's money to buy a new Flannel snapcoat(can't find flannel n/gowns or skirts in El Paso), a Celtic Womens CD, some clear stamps and some Chalk Eye que to try out. I actually didn't spend all my money on s/booking supplies. I actually had other items on my w/list this year. Going into Hobby Lobby etc is like going into a candy store seein all the fun goodies. I love playing w/my toys.
I picked up a virus in the heart doc's office that set me back. We had 2 major storms come in w/ wind blasts 60 mph gusts. We were lucky, south of us power was out for 6 hrs. People lost their roofs etc in our area. 3 times I have proved it on my b.p. machine,my b/p goes SKY high. After the front comes thru,it drops down. The nurse had me go to bed and rest this last time. These storms really flare up my FM. So Allens book didn't get as many pages as I wanted to do
I did get 6 more done for him for N.Y's Day. 2 more I glued in the photo's since I didn't know any info about the pic's. He's a programmer,he's not very verbal. He did finally admit they were interesting. What took time was I had to go to Tim Holtz's site and learn how to distress. I also had to experiment w/the walnut ink,learn to use Vintage paers to make it look masucline.
Allen really SURPRISED me for C-mas. He went and got me a tin of 24 w/color pencils from Prism. They are suppose to match my c/pencils. Today I used them for the 1st time to color On Jan's C-mas card I turned into a tri-fold. They are so soft and easy to color. I also used my c/pencils. You can't tell the area where the 2 are, looked really great. I also got a box of s/free cho.cherries(which I later found out he was eating up. Hmm for a person who saids he doesn't like candy he sure chowed down on the choc. this year? Plus he said s/thing was to come in the mail .
Allen doesn't usually do things like this. I having been doing C-mas for 30 years so e/body got presents in our extended family Plus I made it out for Furr C-mas dinner. So we had a good day.
Forest and Jenny sent their present early(my mother's day,b-day gift also.)We got a Tupperware box to keep our ciltano fresh. I hate it when it goes slimy and Allen makes me pick out the good . She added some snowman clear stamps,s/man brads etc for me to use. I did use the s/man stamps the other night for my Jan. snowman cards for my mail route.(I don't know if any one does what I did. I'm new to clear stamps. I'm having to learn how to use them. I went to put the 3rd stamp away and realized 1 was missing. I looked e/where for it. I actually found it today. In the trash can! I had already had pulled the top trash off and gotten a plastic bag to put in. Guess what it was wrapped up in a baby wipe I had cleaned it with. When I get tired I don't keep track of stuff well.)
Jan and Heidi went in on the new collection of Little Rascals by Hal Roach for Allen. It goes back to 1929. We have been watching them some nights. I haven't seen these before. Jan gave 2 DVD of Without a Trace w/the pilot one to me. We have watched 1 of them. This gives us s/thing to watch on Sat. nite when TV is yucky. We watched 3 Shriek for C-mas Eve. I love the donkey. Maybe I like slap stick humor.
I used Allen's mother's money to buy a new Flannel snapcoat(can't find flannel n/gowns or skirts in El Paso), a Celtic Womens CD, some clear stamps and some Chalk Eye que to try out. I actually didn't spend all my money on s/booking supplies. I actually had other items on my w/list this year. Going into Hobby Lobby etc is like going into a candy store seein all the fun goodies. I love playing w/my toys.
Changed my blo's look
I credit Bear Naked w/ my new look. She helped me figure out how to go to customize and fix it up. Give me some feedback on how you like it.
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